Wednesday, 5 November 2014

PARADIGMS- Application and limits.

Procedural programming paradigm.

Procedural programming is programming that works in steps, it can be used to create a series of instructions. Its practical application is being able to solve calculations for things like scientific or engineering usage.
In this code snippet, it shows the calculation of one person's gamer score over a months period.

Event driven programming paradigm.

Event driven programs allow you to make programs more interactive, this is very important as all modern programs which us a GUI are event driven. It allows sensors and other hardware to easily interact with the software. The disadvantages/ limits to event driven programming are things like when trying to make a simple program, the coding may become too complex and illogical. Also, these programs take up lots of processing power due to their constant active loops.

Object orientated programming paradigm

Object orientated programming is a programming language which is based/ organised around objects instead of actions and data. The applications of object orientated programming are:
  • It is easier to change and modify codes.
  • It encourages the programmer to place the code inside of the class so its not as directly accessible from the computer's system, instead the system needs to call the data to be able to use it.
The limitations of object orientated programming are:
  • Files are larger due to many lines of codes therefore making the program harder to run/ run slower.

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